How ATTN Uses Real-time Data Metrics to Power its Video Strategy

By Tubular Guest Contributor · March 27, 2018

How ATTN Uses Real-time Data Metrics to Power its Video Strategy

How do you decipher the #FakeNews, #ComplicatedNews or, #HowDoesThisImpactMeNews? ATTN Media, an issues driven media company that compartmentalizes complex issues into digestible, short form video formats that power more than 500 million video views each month does just that. It’s a bold mission and one we find particularly refreshing – a simple storytelling approach that tackles societal issues and even better, ways you can take action.

We interviewed Jarrett Moreno, Co-Founder and Rishi Singh, Head of Insights at ATTN Media to get their point of view on how data is critical to power any digital media strategy and why they chose to partner with Tubular Labs. Check out the whole interview below:

How ATTN Uses Tubular Data to Power its Online Video Strategy

Tubular: You’ve been a long time Tubular client and it would be great for us to understand what was your life like pre-Tubular?

Jarret: It was like the Dark Ages. With Tubular, it’s been much easier for us to understand what kind of content is resonating with our audience, what kind of storytelling formats or topics are most effective for us, and how can we continue to reach a wide, young audience on mobile phones and on social.

Tubular: What’s your favorite Tubular feature and how does that impact your business and day-to-day decisions?

Jarret: My favorite Tubular feature is the V30 metric.

Rishi: Three letters that encapsulate Tubular, which is V30. V30’s everything for our company. Reporters stress the V30, other brands stress the V30, other publishers stress the V30. But I think the way that Facebook’s shifting, the ER30’s going to be important for us to understand engagement.

Tubular: Do you feel Tubular is a standard in the digital media industry?

Rishi: So, in TV I think that the standard for understanding the landscape is Nielsen and I think for digital media it’s Tubular.

And if you are interested…trending this week at ATTN:

What If We Treated Teachers the Same Way We Treat Professional Athletes?
The Double Standards That Women Deal With At Work Are Ridiculous
Donzaleigh Abernathy on How Calling Black Activists Dangerous Radicals Is Nothing New

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the age of video.